Home Servicing

  1. Servicing your Mini's Suspension
    Categories: Mini Servicing & Services at Mini Sport

    Servicing your Mini's Suspension

    This week for our ‘Home Servicing’ series, we’re talking you through servicing your Mini’s Suspension! On the following blog, we’ll tell you what you need and how to do it! Tools required :- Wheel brace Wheel alignment tool Torque wrench Suspension compression tool Assorted AF spanners and sockets Hammer Screwdrivers Ball joint splitter Grease gun […]

  2. What's that noise?
    Categories: Mini Servicing & Services at Mini Sport

    What's that noise?

    This week on the blog we’ve decided to approach an issue that plagues so many of us at one point or another… A mysterious sound coming from your Mini! Where is it coming from? What is causing that? How do I stop it? Well, in the following blog we hope we can address a couple […]

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